Ina Gjikondi
Inner Circle
Ina Gjikondi is a teacher, speaker, mother, creative thinker, innovator, poet and co-curator of creative learning experiences that expand consciousness in the world. Ina serves as the Director of Executive Education & Coaching and as the Founder & e-Co Leadership Coaching Program Director at the George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership. The e-Co Leadership Coaching Certification (e-CLC) is an International Coaching Federation certified professional foundational program rooted in the cultivation of energetic stability, by expanding, emerging, exchanging and evolving in co-creation, co-connection, co-action and co-movement in service to the greater good. Ina believes in coaching as a way of being and an invitation to the practice of anchored capacity, where we learn to stay present, practical and poetic, to e-xpanding inward to co-nnect outward and make a positive difference in the world.
Ina works with people across the globe to awaken the leadership capacity through whole-system knowing and being, mobilizing the capacities of spaciousness, perception, imagination, inspiration, intuition and creativity. Ina believes that our work as humanity is not about finding answers, it's about getting very clear in our questions and getting ourselves out of the way, allowing the collective field to emerge in active experimentation and action.
Prior to moving to the US, Ina was an active United Nations advocate, political campaign professional and founder of several nonprofit organizations in her native home of Albania. She is inspired by her son Hadrian, who teaches her to slow down and show up for life with genuine curiosity. To develop this creative dialogue, she founded Hadrian Series, a learning hub to support families through embodied conversations, celebrating the wonders of life every day.
Ina’s calling for the world is summed up in four words, two of which have been attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as the last pronounced words before his death, “More Light and Love!”