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Introducing the Talking Circle + My New Book Start with Vision

Leslie Grossman

Welcome to the relaunch of my newsletter with a new name: The Talking Circle- a place to share women's views on a changing world.


Talking Circle Purpose: To stimulate your thinking and better inform both you and me. I have spent time over the past months considering a relaunch and ensuring that you know what to expect when you give your time by reading it. I recognize the value of time for us all; it's our most precious commodity.

Here's what you will find: I will provide my own thoughts for your consideration and comment. I will give others a forum from which to present their thoughts for your consideration and comment. I will showcase things I come across that might be off the beaten path. Get in touch if you have suggestions, want to write a piece, or do a video or podcast.


My Vision: The Leslie Grossman Vision is a world where gender equality is a given and no longer a goal. While this is not new in its foundation, I am emerging in the coming months with a clearer, more engaging format for expanding my take on Vision and the Seven Tenets, which I believe are critical on every woman's pathway to success.


First stop: My newest book - Start with Vision, an updated version of my book Link Out, originally published ten years ago, is launching this month with speaking engagements already booked to celebrate the new Vision playbook.  I hope you will read it and share it with women - especially those earlier in their careers. Success secrets lie within this handbook beginning with Vision and continuing with the Seven Tenets of Success. And there is more.

In January 2025, Circles of Collaboration, published by Apricity Publishing, is hitting bookstores and my media channels. It reinvents and brings up-to-date both the definition of what we used to call networking and how to navigate it in the waters we now travel, which have so many options for consideration. You will see me speaking on the topic and writing about it as the months lead up to the launch of this book.


Let's start with a little history. Women, since the beginning of time, have always sat in circles, where we equally presented our knowledge and counsel to other women as we presented our concerns and questions around all things. Later, when Native Americans took up circles in their powwows, their peacemaking, their healing, or to discuss a problem, they had a talking stick, and whoever was holding the stick had the attention and respect of those in the circle. The newsletter will follow that format, with invited guests offering some point of view for your considered thoughts and input.


I want to take a moment to introduce Christine Merser, (my collaborator on Circles of Collaboration). Christine is a strategist and author. Her first novel just came out and is worth the read—Flight of the Starling. It features three women protagonists that will give you food for thought. Consider it here. Christine has served as a political strategist for presidential campaigns and Bloomberg's mayoral race, to name a few. She, like so many of us, found herself in a panic these past few months. And here is what she decided to do about it; how to approach the coming months. I think you will find it interesting. I couldn't put her book down.  

I look forward to moving outside my normal comfort zone where I focus only on featuring others and begin presenting more about my own journey, theories, and lessons as the year continues. If you have ideas or any thoughts, I'd love to hear from you. 


– Leslie Grossman 


Oct 14th, 2024

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Oxon, MD



GWU's Executive Women's Leadership Program Presented by Inner Circle Founder Leslie Grossman

Oct 16th, 2024

George Washington University 



Start with Vision Presentation for the US Army War College Spouse Event

Oct 30th, 2024

New York, New York


You might not have heard of the podcast, Women Who Went Before. Who knew? Seriously, you can't multi-task while you are listening, but you won't want to. Women Who Went Before is a gynocentric (just in case you never heard the word before: centered on or concerned exclusively with women; taking a female (or specifically a feminist point of view.) quest into the ancient world. Come along as hosts Rebekah Haigh and Emily Chesley interview the world's top scholars and unearth the history of women from the past. It's a history podcast and detective journey in one, sifting through texts and tropes to find the women who lived beneath.

Which one to start with? How about the first one, in which the two podcast hosts set the stage by offering evidence that women's history was recorded entirely from the male point of view, with rare exceptions? Men interpreted and recorded women's behaviors through their own lens, making women's history more like a novel rather than the truth. It was author Pauline Baynes who wisely said, "Believe what you like, but don't believe everything you read without questioning it."

While they are no longer producing new episodes, we think it's filled with rich information and wanted to share it with you. 


There are ten episodes in the series. Don't miss any of them. 


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